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The following guide describes how to integrate RadiantKit with your React project. We’re using Create React App here, but the workflow should be similar with other setups.

1. Create a project (optional)

Let’s start with a fresh React project called my-radiantkit-project. Create React App will set up everything we need.

# create a project with npm
npx create-react-app my-radiantkit-project

# change directory
cd my-radiantkit-project

2. Install the dependencies

Next, let's install @radiantkit/react package

npm install @radiantkit/react

You should now be able to start your project with npm run start, and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

3. Create a new component

To actually start using RadiantKit, we need to create a new component. Let’s call it RadiantKit and put the following example code in src/RadiantKit.jsx.

import { RadiantKitProvider, RadiantKitCanvas } from "@radiantkit/react";

const RadiantKit = () => {
return (
<RadiantKitCanvas />

export default RadiantKit

4. Add RadiantKit to your app

Finally, replace the content of src/App.js with our new RadiantKit component.

import RadiantKit from "./RadiantKit";

function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<RadiantKit />

export default App;

5. Consume the RadiantKitController in child components

If you use the RadiantKitProvider to setup your RadiantKit component, you can now easily access your controller instance from any child component using the useCurrentController hook.

import { useCurrentController } from '@radiantkit/react'

const RadiantKitComponent = () => {
const { controller } = useCurrentController()

const addRectangle = () => {
controller && controller.addRectangle([100.0, 100.0], [100.0, 100.0])

return (
<button onClick={addRectangle}>Add Rectangle</button>

export default RadiantKitComponent

If you add this to RadiantKit.jsx, you should now see a button that adds a Rectangle to the canvas on each click.

import { RadiantKitProvider, RadiantKitCanvas } from "@radiantkit/react";
import RadiantKitComponent from "./RadiantKitComponent";

const RadiantKit = () => {
return (
<RadiantKitComponent />
<RadiantKitCanvas />

export default RadiantKit